Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Time To Sit Down

In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus for a white man. Boycotts and bloodshed followed until the Supreme Court ruled segregation unconstitutional. Later, Rosa wrote, “Knowing what must be done does away fear. After many years of being a victim, I felt it was time for someone to stand up – or in my case, sit down.”

Courage is displayed at the most unusual moments; moments that could change you and those around you forever. I recently had my own sitting-down moment, (more of that later). I once heard the story of a spy who got caught and sentenced to death. Before his execution, an army general asked him to choose between the firing squad and the ‘big door,’ he chose the firing squad. If only he’d known that behind the big door laid freedom!
If God has invested a lot in you, you must believe that it is His will for you to succeed. Be strong and of good courage and you will have good success! I know what I’m talking about when I tell you that you have no good reason to worry. Maybe, you have a reason for it. But, believe me, no reason is good enough! But that is only when you understand that life is all you set out to make it to be.
Sometimes, a foe can press you into victory where a friend cannot. It is good to have critics and competitors.  I mean, who would have heard of David without Goliath? Moses, if there was no pharaoh oppressing the Israelites? Esther, without Haman’s evil plot to exterminate the Jews?
Yeah! Those are stories, but, believe it, when you dare to confront your fears and enemies; they will become instruments in God’s hands to press you into your destiny. Sometimes, it is more important to sit down than to stand up and walk away. Sitting down is an action. It is active. It isn’t sitting still, hoping and doing nothing. Sometimes, you must sit down, meditate and strategize on how to overcome life’s challenges. Think of the many different things you can do while sitting down. You sit down to study and excel at you academics! You sit down to even do the big one! Don’t always stand up and walk away no matter how hot that seat is! Who knows, you just might be walking away from those cool millions you’ve always dreamed about!
Several times, we choose the known at the expense of good old beautiful unknown. Several wise men have expressed it in different ways that it is a sign of insanity to do the same things and expect different results. John Maxwell describes those who can cause a change as people who get-it-done-and-then-some. I’d want you to become a catalyst today. Create the change that you desire to see wherever you go. No one says you must know it all, or become super-smart or super-human, but, I’m sure that by being assertive (not aggressive please!) about what you believe in, you can engender a transformation – either standing up or sitting down.




  1. I am proud of you Abby. Rosa Parks was a very brave woman. Sometimes,fear too can lead one into valour.

  2. Very true! Gbosa! Keep it up Abigail. Nice profile picture though.

  3. "Several wise men have expressed it in different ways that it is a sign of insanity to do the same things and expect different results."
    Good one there Abigail, If things must change we indeed have to change. How much we need such can-do-attitude in our dear nation today!

    1. Dear Ifeanyi,
      Let's be the change we desire!

