Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Clarity at 4:29 a.m.

There are a great many things I would like to enjoy again:

The sensation felt on my tongue of a cool drink on a hot day,
The feeling of running in the rain having raindrops falling cool to the skin,
The feel of a soft kiss upon my cheek,
Being knocked to the ground by the ferocity of a hug from a seven year-old girl,

Seeing happiness in the eyes of those I love as a result of something God did through me,
Looking in the eyes of someone I care for and feeling at ease,
Working towards a goal and God seeing it to fruition,
Sharing the awesome sight of a field of the trees of burnished copper leaves, another of gold-speckled green leaves,

The scent of beautiful fragrant freshly trimmed green grass and hedges,
The caress of a heavenly breeze against my face,
The scent of a home cooked meal,
The sound of the laughter of my family across the dinner table on the night of my birthday,

The quality of conversations with people of like and different minds,
The sight of my puppy grinning mischievously at me with her tongue hanging out,
Walking through a field with God talking freely with Him, secure in Him understanding me,
Being lifted high in the air by a friend with an impish sense of humour,

The sight and sensation of the blue ocean coming towards my feet on the shore,
The regard for a newborn baby nestled in the crook of my arms

Ah…there are still a great many things I would like to enjoy again.


... Reading this poem by Ini gives me nostalgic bumps. I remember the first time she read the words out to me in her sonorous voice, I could feel myself yearning for the many scintilating feelings and experiences  that I had never given some thought nor voice to. Those are moments that I would always cherish to have, over and over again, in this world.

Keeping it real.




  1. Very inspiring poem by Ini. I was privileged to hear her read it aloud. Ah... now THAT is something I would like to experience again :D

  2. This is really fabulous!Very educating, inspiring,motivational,reviving,keeps one fantasizing the flamboyance of nature.The fascinating,sweet and blissful mood of relaxation in a natural state of it,cheers my old time friend.

    1. Wow Iyke. You should write a poem yourself. Lol

  3. @ Ini, take note of Michael's request.

  4. Nice one, Ini! Keep it up

  5. wow! little but very important things of life taken for granted. i am regurgitating the feelings right here.

    1. That's what makes the poem distinctive. Putting into words those great little things we take enjoy but sometimes, take for granted.
